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The IEA is a 501c3 U.S. Nonprofit Organization committed to advancing academic discourse and collaboration through our online conferences. Your support helps us continue to organize and host online and in-person conferences that bring together scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students from around the globe to exchange ideas and drive innovation in their respective fields. By donating today, you're investing in the future of interdisciplinary dialogue on today’s most challenging environmental and social issues.


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  • Empower Knowledge Exchange: Your donation enables us to facilitate meaningful discussions and knowledge-sharing opportunities across diverse disciplines to foster intellectual growth and innovation on complex environmental topics. 

  • Support Scholarly Initiatives: Your contribution directly supports the organization and execution of our online conferences to ensure that presenters and attendees have access to dynamic keynotes, workshops, valuable networking, and career development opportunities. 

  • Expand Access: Your generosity helps us keep registration fees affordable and offers financial assistance to participants to ensure inclusivity and diversity in academic conversations.


Event Organization

Your donation contributes to the logistical expenses involved in organizing and hosting online conferences, including technology infrastructure, platform maintenance, and administrative costs.

Scholarship Fund

A portion of your donation goes towards establishing scholarship funds, allowing deserving individuals with limited financial means to participate in our conferences and contribute to the academic discourse.

Outreach and Promotion

Your support enables us to reach a wider audience of scholars and researchers by funding marketing efforts, promotional campaigns, and outreach initiatives aimed at increasing conference participation and engagement.

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