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The 29th IICE: Climate Adaptation and Pathways to a Sustainable Future

Submit an abstract to the 29th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment (IICE), hosted online from October 31st to November 2nd, 2024. This conference serves as a platform for academics, researchers, practitioners, students, and concerned citizens to discuss environmental issues and contribute knowledge, focusing on climate adaptation and pathways to sustainability.


What can you expect at this year's IICE?


This year our conference will delve into the critical theme of climate adaptation. Sessions will encompass diverse topics crucial to understanding and addressing regional and global environmental challenges. We warmly welcome abstracts on any environmental issue. Key discussions include “Architecture as an Infrastructure: From Ecosystem to Sustainable Development” and “The Built Environment along the Gulf of Mexico: Design for Conservation" from expert faculty at the School of Architecture and Design at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Expert Keynotes, Introductory GIS Training, Career Development Workshop, Networking, and Professional Growth Opportunities. The themes will broadly focus on:


  • Biodiversity

  • Broad-Scale Sustainability

  • Climate Activism

  • Climate Adaptation 

  • Climate Change

  • Conservation of Natural Resources

  • Environmental Justice

  • Indigenous Perspectives on the Environment

  • Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation

  • Pollution and Waste

  • Public Health

  • Renewable Energy

  • Rural and Urban Resiliency

  • Urban Landscapes and Built Environment


Keynote Speakers


Dr. Kim Terrell, Staff Scientist and Director of Community Engagement at Tulane Environmental Law Clinic

Dr. Kiwana McClung, Chief Inclusion Officer & Professor of Architecture at the University of Louisiana Lafayette

Dr. Victoria Reyes-Garcia, Researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology (ICTA), Univerity of Barcelona Autónoma

Dr. Waneene Dorsey, Professor of Environmental Science, Grambling State University


Professional and Student presentations 


We're excited to offer a $500.00 Best Student Presentation Award and financial support for all presenters. If you need support registering your abstract, please email stating your reason for support and how attending the IICE will aid your professional endeavors.


What is the IICE?


The IICE is a space for scholars and students across the interdisciplinary fields of environmental science and studies to share dynamic research presentations with a global audience and receive quality feedback and insight from distinguished practitioners and concerned citizens.


What is the format?


Online presentations are pre-recorded, followed by live Q&A sessions. IICE attendees organize presentations and attend round table discussions, workshops, and networking rooms while engaging with keynote speakers and sponsors of the conference.


How to Participate


Send your abstract by emailing by October 01, 2024. Let us know if you have a preferred session based on the provided topics or if you'd like to suggest a new session. Once your abstract is accepted, you must submit your recorded presentation and register your presentation by October 15, 2024. Abstracts can be modified until October 15, 2024. Join us as we listen, learn, and apply new knowledge to today’s climate crises and prevalent social challenges.  🌱🌎

Abstract Guidelines:


- Length: 400 words or less

- Language: English

- Include: 

  - Title

  - List of authors/affiliations 


Please indicate the following:


1) Whether it is a paper or poster submission.

2) If you have a preferred session based on the provided topics or if you would like to suggest a new session.

3) Your role: academic, researcher/practitioner, activist, or student.


Have You Already Submitted Your Abstract? Follow the directions below to register for your presentation.


1) Choose the Registration that applies to you. Click on"Donate" to be directed to the IEA's PayPal. 

Please note that all presenting authors must register separately. Please include your first and last name, affiliated institution or organization, and email in the registration. 


The IEA does not want registration costs to deter anyone from presenting their research. If you need financial support to present at the IICE, please email stating your need for assistance.


IEA Member $100.00


Student Presenter $50.00


Institutional and Professional Presenter $200.00 





The International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment, IICE brings together academics, researchers, and practitioners to approach environmental issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. 


The mission of the IICE is to facilitate the exchange of information among people from different countries and disciplinary backgrounds so that participants can listen, discuss, and consider new concepts to implement in their area of study. 


We believe that a cross-discipline and cross-boundary exchange is beneficial and essential if we address the complex, multifaceted environmental issues of the present day and the future. Our goal is for conferencegoers to obtain new professional connections in a safe, inclusive, and diverse space. 


At the IICE, you'll expand your professional network, and learn about today's most pressing human and planetary problems presented in a scholarly research format, while also attending interactive discussions, workshops, and keynote addresses.

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