Mariam Valladares is a PhD student in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Louisiana State University. She was the recipient of the Best Student Research Presentation Award at the 28th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment (IICE), where she presented her doctoral research Connecting the Dots: A Process for Mapping the Socio-ecological Network of Sediment Retention Services in Puerto Rico and Beyond.
During her presentation, she described a methodological approach to model linkages between supply and demand for ecosystem services (ES), focusing on sediment retention to identify clear connections between measures of service provision and end users.
Mariam demonstrated the relevancy of this topic by underscoring how understanding where an ES is produced and is most vulnerable to disturbance can improve management and build strategies to reduce impacts such as sediment loads to drinking water reservoirs and reduction in water quality on other surfaces and groundwater sources. Overall, her study demonstrated the importance of mapping Socio-Ecological Networks to justify conservation policies based on Ecosystem Services.
Mariam's primary motivation for participating in the IICE was to share her research progress with an interdisciplinary audience and get valuable feedback. She prepared her video by considering a broad audience and using interesting visualizations to make it easy to follow.
"I was very excited when I learned that I won the student award. I was not expecting to win but it boosted my confidence and motivated me to continue doing my research".
Mariam described the IICE as well organized and found the sessions easy to attend and present. She mentioned that the watershed management session was useful as she is always looking to learn new techniques and insights in environmental science.
"I recommend this conference to other students. I think it's an excellent platform to share your research and connect with interdisciplinary scientists in your area of study. The fact that it is virtual reduces the cost of attending and facilitates access is a plus!".
Mariam Valladares wrote this article.
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